Friday, December 24, 2010

Thermal Goggles

These, as one might guess from the name, allow you to to see the heat signatures given off by peds, cars, and whatnot. By selecting them from your item list and pressing circle to equip (or unequip later), the screen turns a rather psychedelic set of blue, purple, pink, and red hues; with blue being cold and red being hot, of course. After equipping the goggles, you're free to switch to another weapon so as to freely take out enemies you couldn't have seen otherwise. Naturally, they're best to use at night when it's hard to see otherwise, but even then they're still better suited to longer range combat. Moving about with these on can be somewhat tricky at times due to cooler landscape/building objects blending together with the ambient background heat (or lack thereof rather).


Whether you're jumping/falling off a tall building, or leaping from a plane thousands of meters up, the parachute is an absolute necessity unless you want to be a puddle for some bizarre reason. After equipping the 'chute (which happens automatically when jumping from an airborne plane), you can dive, rotate, and glide a bit during free-fall with the left stick. At some point or another, it would be a good idea to deploy the parachute by pressing circle. After it's opened, you can steer yourself with the left stick- left/right turn, up speeds your descent gradually, and pushing down gives you a bit of extra lift allowing you to move forward while slowing your fall.

Fire Extinguisher

Considering the new ability to set the environment on fire, it's only natural that a fire extinguisher was included in the game. Unless you're the conscientious criminal type who likes to clean up behind your fiery rampages, chances are you'll really only use this in missions which require escaping from burning buildings. Whatever the reason you use it, doing so is just a matter of aiming with R1 and the right stick, and pressing circle to spray the foamy stuff. For best results, aim at the base of the fire and continue spraying until it goes out.


The camera first made its appearance in Vice City as a one-off item used in a single mission. This time around, the camera is not only used in a few missions and side quests, it actually has some fun uses in and of itself. By holding R1, the screen switches to the viewfinder where you can aim with the right stick plus zoom in and out with L2 and R2. In mission situations where you're required to take pics, the circle button takes the picture and you're done. If you're so inclined to actually save the pic to look at later, hitting L1 will allow you to save the image to your memory card, where you can access it via the gallery in the pause menu any time you want.


Kind of looks like an old can of Montana spray paint, which was made by and for graffiti artists, but that's beside the point. Or, maybe it's not, as the main purpose for the spray can is to throw up Grove Street tags over those of rival gangs. Using the paint is really quite simple, just hold R1 to target a tag (or ped, if you really want to), and hold circle until the tag is finished. If you're in a real tight spot you can use it as a weapon with similar results to the tear gas, thought it's hardly effective enough to rely on for a primary defense. Oh, and you can always find one in the upstairs bedroom at the Johnson House in Ganton should you need some paint.

Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher

RPGs and other shoulder-fired missiles have long had a place in Grand Theft Auto. The STINGER is the next level. Lightweight and portable, this shoulder-fired guided missile system is designed to shoot down low-altitude jets, propeller-driven aircraft and helicopters. The fire-and-forget system allows the player to lock onto a heat source, usually a car or plane, fire the weapon, and begin acquiring new targets before the warhead has even destroyed the first target. To activate, bring up the targeting reticle by pressing R1. Continue holding down R1 and center the viewfinder on the target. The reticle will acquire the nearest target, and then change from green to yellow and finally to red, indicating that you have achieved target lock. You can fire the weapon at any stage of the lock-on process, but the closer to red, the more effective your strike will be. The production, research, and development of the Stinger Missile System is a secret, but intrepid pilots flying over the deserts on the outskirts of Las Venturas have a ton of stories about near misses with the Stinger. *

Rocket Launcher

Ah yes, the classic Soviet RPG look-alike is a must have for any one man army out to take on an entire state full of gangs and such. Basically, it's just a big tube with a scope and a trigger to ignite the rockets which propel impact-triggered grenades. Just aim it at a target using R1 and the right stick, fire, and *boom*. One shot is usually all it takes to blow up any car (or group of cars for that matter), although there are a number of vehicles which require multiple hits to destroy, such as tanks and armored vans. Obviously, you don't want to use one of these in any sort of close quarters combat, but if you couldn't figure that out, chances are you can't read this page anyway.

Vulcan Mini Gun

This formidable weapon is the player's best friend. Designed to deliver massive and withering barrages of ammunition at an alarming rate of fire, this weapon is designed for total destruction of the target and anything around it. Despite its massive size and weight, the gun is portable enough to be carried--and fired--on the streets of San Andreas. Police responding to an incident where a mini-gun is in use would be quick to call in SWAT to deal with the menace. An intricate piece of machinery, its belt driven mechanics will turn the barrels even if the gun is not firing, a sound that eerily forecasts the destruction that is about to be unleashed. Hold R1 to spin up the barrel and squeeze L1 to fire. *

Flame Thrower

Flame Thrower - As the name would suggest, it throws flames. The basic concept behind a flame thrower is a tank filled with napalm which is sprayed through a nozzle and ignited by a pilot light on the way out. In the hands of a skilled user, this weapon can prove to be quite hazardous to all involved- including said user. While it does a lovely job of setting enemies, cars, and, well, everything on fire, one runs the risk of burning themself as well. Between panicked flaming people bumping into you, thereby sharing their pain, you've also got to look out for the fire on the ground spreading to you. Especially in areas with lots of grass and such. With some luck though, such hazards can be used to your advantage; be it enemies catching other enemies on fire, or setting up a defensive wall of flame around you. Regardless of the risks involved, the flame thrower is great fun and an extremely deadly weapon to play with.

Rounds per reload: 500
Damage: 25, not counting subsequent damage from prolonged burning

Remote Explosives

AKA satchel bombs, players can throw a number of these about, then conveniently blow them all up later with the separate remote. The potential for mischief with these things is only limited by the imagination, well, and the CPU's ability to remember where they're at, but, still... On a mission where you have to ambush and kill a ped or destroy their car? Try figuring out where they'll pass, and set up a nice booby trap for them! Or if you suspect the next corner you're to walk around has enemies waiting for you, throw down a few bombs, run in, and lure them out to an explosive doom. Any way you look at it, there's much fun to be had here.

Tear Gas

In real life, tear gas is generally considered to be a non-lethal weapon, but in the world of GTA, it's anything but. Granted, it does take prolonged exposure to the gas to kill, but in confined spaces, this can be arranged. However, seeing as the gas causes people to stop what their doing while they cover their face and cough, the most practical use for this weapon is to slow enemies down while you escape or switch to another weapon. In any case, this stuff opens up some strategy options when it otherwise seems you're hopelessly outgunned.


Long carried by infantry soldiers to aid in removal of pesky hardened positions and enemies hiding behind things, grenades are quite simple in theory. Step 1: pull pin, step 2: throw, and step 3: try not to be nearby when they explode. When used properly, grenades do a bang-up job of taking out cars (and anybody who might use them for cover) and clearing out closed in areas filled with opponents. When used improperly on the other hand, you can just as easily blow yourself up and/or any cars nearby you may be using for cover. If you're not careful, you might also end up causing a chain reaction in congested areas which ends with exploded cars all about and lots of police attention. But then, that may very well be the desired effect in some cases...

Molotov Cocktail

The idea behind these things is simple enough: Take a glass bottle, fill it with something flammable (usually petrol), shove a rag in the top, light the rag on fire, and give it a toss. Flaming chaos ensues. The primary purpose is, of course, an anti-personnel weapon, but it can also be used strategically for defense. One of the new features found in San Andreas is the ability to set the environment on fire, and the ability for that fire to continue to burn- and even spread in most cases. In the event you ever find yourself facing multiple enemies coming at you from a single choke point (such as a door or alleyway), a well placed molotov can be used to effectively block their route. With a wall of flames between you and them, they'll either be forced to brave the fire (usually with rather fatal results) or wait and shoot from where they're at. If they're smart enough to choose the latter, you can keep your distance and shoot from your somewhat defended position. Or, you could always just toss a few more in hopes of burning the lot of them. With these (and any other thrown weapon), the longer you hold the circle button, the farther they will go when released.

Sniper Rifle

For those times when the regular or assault rifles aren't accurate enough, there's the sniper rifle. While the HUD icon for it bares some resemblance to an HK PSG1, the in-game model is of the old school bolt-action variety. That said, the reload time on this weapon is a little bit longer than the regular rifle, but the addition of a scope makes every shot well worth the wait. Press and hold R1 to bring up the scope, then use R2 and L2 to zoom in and out, and of course the right analog stick to line up the shot. Once your unsuspecting, distant target is in the crosshairs, circle or L1 unleashes a powerful round (rivaled only by the leveled-up Desert Eagle and mini-gun) which can take an opponent's head clean off from as far as the scope will see. And, like the other guns, crouching will provide a more stable position to fire from. If need be, you can also roll to the sides and move forward and backwards while using the scope in this position, although navigation and keeping a target lined up this way takes a bit of practice and stick juggling.


Not much to say about this one really. It's just a basic lever-action repeater rifle one might expect to see in the hands of a hunter or a cowboy. Hitting R1 with this won't invoke an auto-target reticle, but instead skips straight to a free-aim mode like that of its assault flavored brethren. Given its lack of a lock-on feature and slow reloading, one might think it rather pointless to use. However, with a per-bullet damage rate second only to the sniper rifle, mini-gun, and Desert Eagle (at Gangster level and up), it does earn its keep in the hands of a decent marksman. For added accuracy, be sure to crouch when lining up a shot.


The Kalashnikov AK47 is one, if not the most popular varieties of assault rifles in the world. Originally developed for the Soviet army, it features a rugged yet simple design which makes it both cheap to produce and highly versatile on the battlefield. Its durability and affordability have also made even older, used models popular for warring gangs. For the most part, it works just like the M4 in the game, only with a smaller magazine size, and perhaps a little better accuracy due to its slightly slower rate of fire. The AK47, and the M4 above, both have an impressive range on them, which allows for locking onto targets and taking them out before they pose an immediate threat. After reaching Hitman status with either assault rifle, you'll be able to move about and strafe a bit while firing, with an extended lock-on range to boot.


M4 is the modified version of the M-16, the shortened stock and barrel makes it more compact while still retaining the accuracy and power of its cousin. The weapon will allow the player the pinpoint accuracy to target an opponents specific body parts or vehicle tires. One particularly satisfying feature is the ability to target gas tanks. A single well-placed round will cause any car in San Andreas to explode—aim for the gas cap to find out how decidedly badass this new feature is in action. Kneeling greatly increases the accuracy of the M4, try kneeling as often as possible when using the weapon. Even while kneeling, it is possible to roll side to side while holding R1 by pressing left or right on the left analog.

To the concern of San Andreas' police forces, the M4 is readily available at Ammu-Nations across the state. *

Combat Shotgun

Based on the Italian SPAS-12, the combat shotgun uses a gas-operated repeater system much like any semi/fully automatic pistol or rifle. On a shell-by-shell basis, the firepower and range are only a bit greater than the regular shotgun. Given its semi-automatic functionality, however, the rate of fire is on par with that of the 9mm, meaning you'll be unloading much more ammunition on unsuspecting foes. Not only will rip through a group of enemies rather quickly, it also makes short work of cars and heli's as well. Sadly, you can't get two of these after reaching Hitman status, but then again, that might make the game entirely too easy. On the bright side though, you will be able to fire while moving and get an increased lock-on distance with some practice.

Sawnoff Shotgun

Nothing says pain quite like an old school double barreled shotgun sawed off well below legal limits. With only two shots between a rather lengthy reload, a gun really needs to make its mark to be worthwhile. And make its mark it does- on anyone within about 35° of where you're pointing! Of course this much spread makes the gun pretty much useless in any medium to long range situations, but up close it is a deadly sight to behold. And to make matters worse (for those on the other end that is), getting this bad boy up to the Hitman level allows you to use two at once, which subsequently allows for a rather rapid- and devastating- burst of four shells between reloads. It's also worth mentioning that the gun's small size means it's possible to run and gun with it like a pistol. Fun stuff.


This is your typical long barreled pump-action shotgun. Best for use in close range situations, the shotgun delivers a powerful volley of buckshot which will knock an enemy on their ass with one good hit. Even with a not-so-direct-hit, the wide spread of projectiles can and will knock down or stop an enemy long enough to finish them off. While it's best used in close quarters, the length of the barrel allows it to remain somewhat effective at medium ranges as well. With continued practice and skill level upgrades, users will be able strafe faster with shotguns, move while firing, and their rate of fire will increase. Shotguns can be found in police cars parked (or driving) all about the state, so some nice firepower is always just a stolen car away.


The rather generically named SMG is obviously based on the real life MP5. In case you've unfamiliar with it, the MP5 is considered by most to be the world's best submachine gun, and is often the weapon of choice for elite military units and police SWAT teams alike. Its stopping power, accuracy, and range put it nearly in the class of full sized assault rifles, while retaining the compact portability of a submachine gun. Likewise can be said of the one in the game, as it gives machine pistol-esque abilities such as drive-by's and ease of movement and strafing while shooting, along with deadly power and accuracy. This one's a bit bigger than the other guns in the slot, so you won't be getting dual-wielding at higher levels. But the sheer ferocity and accuracy of the weapon more than makes up the difference.

Micro SMG

The HUD icon looks like an Ingram MAC-11, but the in game model looks like a Micro Uzi. Whatever it is, this little thing packs a fiery punch. Overall, it works just the same as the Tec-9 (even sharing the same "machine pistol" stat), but somehow seems to fire a bit faster and more erratically. When using either these or the Tec's at Hitman level, be sure to bring plenty of ammo to keep up with the insane rate of fire.


A longtime favorite of gang members on the streets of Los Santos, the Tec-9 is a relatively cheap firearm made with low-grade stamped metal. One of the more interesting new features is that the player can dual wield Tec-9s, evening up long odds in the middle of a gang fight, increasing your respect and power in the ‘hood. Once you’ve upgraded CJ’s weapon skill to the point where he can hold two weapons (Hitman skill level), all you need to do is find another weapon and he will automatically hold 2. All ammo between the guns is now shared, and reloading happens automatically. Rate of fire is effectively doubled, perfect for cases where you really want to kill someone—fast. *

Desert Eagle

This handgun delivers an unparalleled degree of accuracy and power with a distinctive feel that players will pick up on immediately. Originally intended to be target/sport pistol, players will use this weapon for the immense stopping power the handgun’s .50 caliber rounds deliver to a target—stopping assailants in their tracks, usually with one well placed shot. Because of its significant recoil, it’s almost impossible to hold onto at first. Look for higher levels of skill with the weapon to reduce this effect and yield quicker reloads and accuracy. The Desert Eagle is even deadly when out of auto-lock range, as a proficient shooter can fire in free target mode and still achieve one shot kills. Hold R1 and line up the sights on a target. The benefit of this approach is it allows sniper results with the free movement offered by a handgun. *


Cheap, abundant, and easy to use, the ubiquitous "nine" will be your best friend through the early bits of the game. Most would agree it looks more like a Colt .45 than anything else, but whatever the case, it's got decent stopping power for a cheapo handgun. Or if it's not to your liking at first, practice with it a lot until you reach the Hitman skill level, and you'll be able to fire two at once with an extended auto-target range. After that, the cheapness and abundance of ammo for them combined with pairing them up make them rather useful.


Got any pesky trees or rival gangstas in your yard that need removing? If so, why not try the chainsaw! Okay, so you can't really cut dow trees with it, but it cuts through enemies like warm butter. If you're feeling extra mischievous, this thing also does a nice job of cutting doors off of cars and ripping through fences and such. Naturally it's rather heavy and slow to use, but it makes up for this tenfold in its sheer brutality.


When it's time to feed your inner Samurai, Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell just won't do the trick like a katana. Whether you choose to use it to honorably fight rival gangs in true feudal Japanese style, or you piss on thousands of years of Bushido tradition to brutally hack up peds, this sword is a great choice. Tapping the circle button a few times unleashes a quick combo, more often than not ending up with a decapitated foe. For extra style points (too bad there's no meter for that...), mix up your sword-play with some of the moves from the Cobra Martial Arts dojo in San Fierro


Ye olde Rambo-style combat knife. Big, pointy, and fast enough to get in close and slice someone up before they really know what hit 'em. Not only is it great for up close and personal fighting, the knife can be used for stealth-kills a la Manhunt. Just creep up behind someone, target them with R1, and when CJ raises his arm up, mash the circle button to stab them in the neck. For even better results, sneak up out of the shadows first to get away without anybody noticing.


Seeing as the "G" in GTA has absolutely nothing to do with gardening, chances are you won't be using this to dig up weeds in the lawn of your new safe house. For the most part, you'll just be using it to beat the stuffing out of people. Shovels are usually found in places where bodies are put into the ground, so apparently somebody has been using them according to the directions.

Golf Club

Yet another sports item gone wild. You can generally find these when and if you ever jack a golf cart somewhere. Not the most effective weapon (and the Caddy's not the most effective car for that matter), but it gets points for comedy when used to terrorize the golf course by turning it into a full-contact sport.

Pool Cue

This one seems to have the longest reach out of all the melee weapons, but it's main use is just what the name says. Challenge someone to a game of pool in a bar somewhere, and after kicking their ass on the table, you can keep the cue to smack people around with. Even if you lose the game, you're still a winner!


The standard police-issue nightstick is based on an ancient martial arts weapon called the Tonfa from Okinawa. You don't need to know Karate to use it though, as swinging it about like a madman gets the job done just fine. And with it being a bit smaller and much lighter than the baseball bat, it's a bit quicker to use (and run with) while being just about as effective. Nick one off a cop or find one in a police station locker room.

Baseball Bat

Your everyday sports item turned classic kneecap "adjustment" tool. Not much to it really- 'tis long, heavy, and made of wood. Just grab the narrow bit and bludgeon people with the rather blunt end. Batter up!

Brass Knuckles

While not technically a weapon, as they simply upgrade the unarmed slot, the brass knuckles provide a little extra oomph when it comes down to hand-to-hand combat. These things come in handy in a pinch when one doesn't want to attract a lot of attention with loud gunfire. Could also prove useful when fighting trainers at various gyms around the state.

Master sounds FM

DJ: Johnny 'The Love Giant' Parkinson
Genre: Classics of soul, rare groove and funk.
Description: The world's smallest giant, Johnny Parkinson, takes you on a musical, spiritual and sexual journey with a sound track of nonstop classics. The giants of soul, rare groove and just a little classic funk, hosted by the giant himself. Remember, height is not a number.

  • Charles Wright - Express Yourself
  • Maceo And The Macks - Cross The Tracks (We Better Go Back)
  • Harlem Underground Band - Smokin' Cheeba Cheeba
  • The Chakachas - Jungle Fever
  • Bob James - Nautilus
  • Booker T And The MGs - Green Onions
  • The Blackbyrds - Rock Creek Park
  • Bobby Byrd - Hot Pants
  • Bobby Byrd - I Know You Got Soul
  • James Brown - Funky President
  • James Brown - The Payback
  • Lyn Collins - Think About It
  • Lyn Collins - Rock Me Again And Again
  • Maceo And The Macks - Soul Power 74
  • The JBs - Grunt
  • War - Low Rider
  • Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
  • Sir Joe Quarterman - So Much Trouble In My Mind

Playback FM

DJ: Forth Right MC
Genre: Hip Hop
Description: The mouthiest man in hip-hop, Forth Right MC, brings real hip-hop to the left coast. East Coast sensibilities and Forth Right's unique brand of conspiracy theory lead you in a history lesson.

  • Kool G - Road To The Riches
  • Big Daddy Kane - Warm It Up Kane
  • Spoonie G - The Godfather
  • Masta Ace - Me And The Biz
  • Slick Rick - Children's Story
  • Public Enemy - Rebel Without A Pause
  • Eric B And Rakim - I Know You Got Soul
  • Rob Base And DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two
  • Gang Starr - BYS
  • Biz Markie - The Vapours
  • Brand Nubian - Brand Nubian
  • Ultramagnetic MCs - Critical Breakdown

Bounce FM

DJ: Funktipus
Genre: Funk
Description: The indescribable Funktipus plays the indefinable funk. The sound that has had Los Santos partying for twenty years is now on 'The Party', on Bounce FM. The Funktipus will open your eyes to what is really happening out there.

  • Zapp - I Can Make You Dance
  • Kool And The Gang - Hollywood Swinging
  • Ohio Players - Love Rollercoaster
  • Rick James - Cold Blooded
  • Maze - Twilight
  • Fat Back - Yum Yum
  • Isley Brothers - Between The Sheets
  • Ronnie Hudson - West Coast Poplock
  • Lakeside - Fantastic Voyage
  • George Clinton - Loopzilla
  • Dazz Band - Let It Whip
  • Cameo - Candy
  • Ohio Players - Funky Worm
  • MFSB - Love Is The Message
  • Johnny Harris - Odyssey
  • Roy Ayers - Running Away
  • The Gap Band - You Dropped A Bomb On Me


DJ: Tommy 'The Nightmare' Smith
Genre: Classic Rock and Roll
Description: Tommy Smith, formerly with 1970s progressive rock act, Crystal Ship, has now taken up residence on the home of driving rock radio. K-DST 'The Dust' plays non-stop classic rock and roll.

  • Foghat - Slow Ride
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River
  • Heart - Barracuda
  • Kiss - Strutter
  • Toto - Hold The Line
  • Rod Stewart - Young Turks
  • Tom Petty - Running Down A Dream
  • Joe Cocker - Woman To Woman
  • Humble Pie - Get Down To It
  • Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind Of Wonderful
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
  • America - A Horse With No Name
  • The Who - Eminence Front
  • Boston - Smokin'
  • David Bowie - Someone Up There Likes Me
  • Eddie Money - Two Tickets To Paradise
  • Billy Idol - White Wedding

K-Jah West

DJ: Marshall Peter's and Johnny Lawton
Genre: Dancehall, ragga, reggae and dub.
Description: From JA to SA. The legendary Marshall Law sound system has moved from Kingston to San Andreas, bringing with them the best in dancehall, raga, reggae and dub. It's one love as Peters and Lawton argue about everything.

  • Black Harmony - Don't Let It Go To Your Head
  • Blood Sisters - Ring My Bell
  • Shabba Ranks - Wicked Inna Bed
  • Buju Banton - Batty Rider
  • Augustus Pablo - King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown
  • Dennis Brown - Revolution
  • Willie William - Armagideon Time
  • I Roy - Sidewalk Killer
  • Toots And The Maytals - Funky Kingston
  • Dillinger - Cocaine In My Brain
  • The Maytals - Pressure Drop
  • The Pliars - Bam Bam
  • Barrington Levy - Here I Come
  • Reggie Stepper - Drum Pan Sound
  • Black Uhuru - Great Train Robbery
  • Max Romeo And The Upsetters - Chase The Devil


DJ: Philip 'PM' Michaels
Genre: New Jack Swing and Modern Soul
Description: Chart-topping and club friendly hits, brought to you by Philip 'PM' Michaels, entertainer. New Jack Swing and modern soul from today's hottest acts. Where soul meets preppy. Philip is also available for weddings, funerals and Bar Mitzvahs.

  • SWV - I'm So Into You
  • Soul II Soul - Keep On Movin
  • Samuelle - So You Like What You See
  • En Vogue - My Lovin'
  • Johnny Gill - Rub You The Right Way
  • Ralph Tresvant - Sensitivity
  • Guy - Groove Me
  • Aaron Hall - Don't Be Afraid
  • Boyz II Men - Motown Philly
  • Bell Biv Devoe - Poison
  • Today - I Got The Feeling
  • Wrecks 'n' Effect - New Jack Swing
  • Bobby Brown - Don't Be Cruel

Radio X: The alternative

DJ: Sage
Genre: Modern Rock
Description: Finally, there IS an alternative. The home of Modern Rock. This is a revolution. Guitars, nihilistic hedonism, and telling the elder generation to go screw themselves. Nobody has done this before. We are original thinkers. We are free. Sage leads the navel gazing; she is a remarkable talent.

  • Helmet - Unsung
  • Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
  • Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
  • Danzig - Mother
  • Living Colour - Cult Of Personality
  • Primal Scream - Movin' On Up
  • Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
  • L7 - Pretend We're Dead
  • Ozzy Ozbourne - Hellraiser
  • Soundgarden - Rusty Cage
  • Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
  • Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing
  • The Stone Roses - Fool's Gold
  • Alice In Chains - Them Bones
  • Stone Temple Pilots - Plush


DJ: Mary-Beth Maybeln
Genre: Country and Western
Description: A broken heart never sounded so good. Country and Western music broadcast from Bone County across the whole state of San Andreas. All of the biggest artists, all of the best music. With the Widow Queen of the Prairie, Mary-Beth Maybell.

  • Jerry Reed - Amos Moses
  • Conway Twitty And Lorretta Lynn - Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man
  • Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
  • Juice Newton - Queen Of Hearts
  • Asleep At The Wheel - The Letter That Johnny Walker Read
  • The Desert Rose Band - One Step Forward
  • Willie Nelson - Crazy
  • Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In The Ashtray
  • Mickey Gilley - Make The World Go Away
  • Ed Bruce - Mamma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
  • Merle Haggard - Always Wanting You
  • Whitey Shafer - All My Exes Live In Texas
  • Eddie Rabbit - I Love A Rainy Night
  • Statler Brothers - New York City
  • Statler Brothers - Bed Of Roses

Radio Los Santos

DJ: Julio G
Genre: Gangster Rap, Hip Hop
Description: Julio G breaks the sound of the streets. This is the West Coast taking over.

  • Too Short - The Ghetto
  • 2 Pac - I Don't Give A F**k
  • Compton's Most Wanted - Hood Took Me Under
  • Dr Dre - Nuthin' But A G Thang
  • Dr Dre - F**k Wit Dre Day
  • Dr Dre - Deep Cover
  • Kid Frost - La Raza
  • Cypress Hill - How I Could Just Kill A Man
  • The Doc - It's Funky Enough
  • NWA - Alwayz Into Something
  • NWA - Express Yourself
  • Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day
  • Ice Cube - Check Yo Self
  • E
  • asy E - Easy-Er Said Than Done
  • Above The Law - Murder Rap
  • Da Lench Mob - Guerrillas In Tha Mist


DJ: Hans-Oberlander
Genre: House
Description: Quality house music, from deep in the underground, brought to you by an excitable German. This is music for people in the know.

  • Jomanda - Make My Body Rock
  • 808 State - Pacific
  • The Todd Terry Project - Weekend
  • NightWriters - Let The Music Use You
  • Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body
  • Maurice - This Is Acid
  • Mr Fingers - Can You Feel It?
  • A Guy Called Gerald - Voodoo Ray
  • Cultural Vibe - Ma Foom Bey
  • Ce Ce Rogers - Someday
  • Robert Owens - I'll Be Your Friend
  • Frankie Knuckles - Your Love
  • Joe Smooth - Promised Land
  • 28th Street Crew - I Need A Rhythm
  • Raze - Break 4 Love
  • Fallout - The Morning After

WCTR Talk Radio

DJ: (To be announced. By the way, doesn't the name "WCTR" sound very familiar to you? To me it sounds VERY much like VCPR...who knows? Maybe we'll see that old clown Chavez back?)
Genre: Talk Radio
Description: (To be announced)


Sex Appeal: Moderate


Sex Appeal: Superb


Sex Appeal: Moderate


Sex Appeal: Moderate


Sex Appeal: Superb


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